

百姓话题 188441阅读
2019-02-18 11:17 来自中国 江西 宜春
Born in 89 years, male, now the home company of Zengcheng in Guangzhou goes to work, with a monthly income of 6,000 to 7,000. He bought a house in his hometown, and the country himself built a two-and-a-half-small building! Character is a bit introverted (in front of strangers) temper temperature and no gambling, no smoking! ! Maybe I can't give you material wealth for the time being, but I can definitely give you a happy and reliable. Although I know that there is no economic feeling, it is also unrealistic, but I believe that I can give you a life that is at least ok. We don't want to give up, we are close to each other, care for each other, and pity.

Self-identification: The sense of humor is OK, the mind is slightly mature (and occasionally commits two), the self-control is to be strengthened, and the rationality is greater than the sensibility.
For the future of her: three views are normal, kind-hearted, filial piety has a progressive mind, has an eye, age 20-31 years old, honest and upright girl, the region is not limited! Looking forward to your relationship, micro signal: z498055049 If you are the one!


  对于未来的她:三观正常,心地善良,有孝心有上进思想,有眼缘,年龄20-31周岁, 诚实正直的女孩,地区不限! 期待有缘的你,微信号:z498055049 非诚勿扰!

85 Nián chūshēng, nán, xiànzài guǎngzhōu zēngchéng de jiājū gōngsī shàngbān, yuè shōurù 6000 dào 7000, zài lǎojiā xiànchéng mǎile fángzi, xiāngxià zìjǐ yě zì jiàn yǒu liǎng céng bàn de xiǎo lóufáng! Xìnggé yǒudiǎn nèixiàng (zài mòshēng rén miànqián) píqì wēnhé, bù dǔbó bù chōuyān!! Huòxǔ wǒ zhànshí gěi bùliǎo nǐ wùzhí shàng de fùyù, dàn wǒ yīdìng kěyǐ gěi nǐ yīgè kāixīn hàn kěkào, suīrán wǒ zhīdào, méiyǒu jīngjì de gǎnqíng, tóngyàng bù xiànshí, dàn wǒ xiāngxìn, wǒ néng gěi nǐ yīgè zhìshǎo hái kěyǐ de shēnghuó. Wǒmen dōu bùyào qīng yán fàngqì, wǒmen xiāng wēi xiāngyī, bǐcǐ guān'ài, téng xī.

Zìwǒ jiàndìng: Yōumò gǎn hái kěyǐ, sīxiǎng lüèwēi chéngshú (ǒu'ěr yě huì fàn èr), zìzhì lì yǒudài jiāqiáng, lǐxìng dàyú gǎnxìng.
Duìyú wèilái de tā: Sān guān zhèngcháng, xīndì shànliáng, yǒu xiàoxīn yǒu shàngjìn sīxiǎng, yǒu yǎn yuán, niánlíng 20-31 zhōusuì, chéngshí zhèngzhí de nǚhái, dìqū bù xiàn! Qídài yǒuyuán de nǐ, wēi xìnhào:Z498055049 fēichéngwùrǎo!







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